Reasons Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

How to Preserve Your Fine Jewelry 

What are the reasons Customers buy jewelry from specific designers? If you’re just building your jewelry collection and not sure where to start, you’ll probably immediately notice, as you begin your shopping experience, just how many jewelry options there are. Beyond the various types of jewelry (rings! necklaces! broaches! chokers! bracelets! bands! oh my!), there is a range of styles and aesthetics and, of course, designers.

What’s the Difference Between Designer Jewelry and Commercial Jewelry?

Reasons Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

At many jewelry boutiques or even just the jewelry counter at your favorite department store, you’ll find primarily commercial jewelry. Commercial jewelry is produced en masse, and you can typically find the same pieces from store to store. For some shoppers, commercial jewelry is a fine option. However, for other collectors, only designer jewelry will do.

Designer jewelry doesn’t always mean that every piece is unique (though that can sometimes certainly be the case). Instead, designer jewelry is generally more limited and a designer’s collection of offerings can include dozens or hundreds of different pieces that all have the same look, but that all differ in very slight ways.

Typically, designer jewelry is hand-crafted by artisans or at least designed carefully by a team of artisans, so that it can then be reproduced on a larger scale.

Beyond just designer jewelry versus commercial jewelry, though, there are also different types of designer jewelry. High jewelry, for example, is the most expensive and most exclusive designer jewelry, often one of a kind and made using the most expensive and rarest materials. Custom jewelry, though, is made to order; even though, like high jewelry, the custom jewelry is one of a kind, the custom jewelry is made with a particular wearer in mind, while the high jewelry often is not. Studio jewelry is the smallest example of a designer jewelry offering, with a studio artist working on a small scale to produce a small array of items by hand, without some of the manufacturing and production resources that a high jewelry designer might have.

Which is Best for You?

When it comes to deciding the best type of designer jewelry for you, if you’re deciding between high jewelry, studio jewelry and other general designer jewelry, your choice will likely all come down to the aesthetic of the piece and genuinely whether or not you like it.

When you’re deciding between custom jewelry and these other options, though, you’ll have a few other aspects to consider.

For example, do you want to have a 100% unique option, something that only you own? Do you want a piece of jewelry that’s made to your specifications, for your body, using the exact materials you prefer? Then you may want to go with a custom piece of designer jewelry.

If, though, you don’t necessarily have preferences along these lines, you could save yourself some time and a bit from your jewelry budget by just shopping around for a designer piece that you love, versus going the custom route.

The Benefits of Buying Designer

But maybe you’re still considering whether or not you want to buy from a certain designer time and time again, versus just shopping the commercial jewelry counters. Here are just a few reasons why going designer is worth it.


Reasons Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

There’s a certain amount of prestige that comes with purchasing designer jewelry from recognizable and notable brands like Cartier or Tiffany & Co. If collecting luxury brands is important to you, then you’ll want to likely stick to your favorite designers in jewelry, just as you stick with your favorite handbag designer when shopping for a new purse.


Reasons Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

Similarly, purchasing from a particular designer can mean that you have a piece of jewelry that will retain its value for years — or even grow in value. This is excellent if you are particularly shopping for a piece of jewelry that you intend to pass down through your family, or if you’re buying jewelry as an investment. Commercial and custom jewelry, on the other hand, don’t quite hold their value all that well, beyond the value of the materials alone.


10 Steps On How To Start Your Fine Jewelry Collection

When you purchase designer jewelry from the same designer over and over again, you come to expect a certain level of quality and craftsmanship. When you shop around for a new designer or new custom piece, you don’t have those standards to rely on. You’re discovering new standards all over again. The reliability of a trusted designer is very desirable to some collectors.


10 Steps On How To Start Your Fine Jewelry Collection

If you’re purchasing from a high-end designer like Cartier or Tiffany & Co., then you can rely on that designer to not only be following the latest trends, but likely setting them, too. If relevance in your wardrobe is of utmost importance to you, then, you may want to go with one of these well-known brands.


Reasons Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

Don’t mistake this reason for the earlier “value.” A designer’s values are very different from their monetary value. If you always consider a brand’s values — their sourcing practices, their sustainability, their support of social issues — when shopping, you may want to find one particular jewelry designer whose values align with yours and then stick with them. That way, you can always rest assured that your purchase is going to support a business that supports the same things you do.

Easier Shopping

What to Do if You Inherit Jewelry

Who doesn’t love an easier shopping experience? When you choose to buy from a particular designer every single time, you really cut down all of your options (without cutting them down too terribly much) and choice fatigue. You can pick between a few dozen items versus the potentially thousands that are available elsewhere.

Creativity (Or lack thereof)

When you work with a designer on a custom piece, a lot of the creative process relies on you and your ideas. You have to be able to properly convey your ideas to the designer in order to get the final result you want. If that’s not an iterative process that you find enjoyable, you may want to steer clear of custom pieces and opt for ready-made designer pieces instead.

Finding the Right Designer for Your Collection

If you’re just starting your jewelry collection, then you may not have found the ideal designer for you just yet. You’re still exploring your options and looking for that perfect fit. Yamron can help.

The expert jewelers and gemologists at Yamron are familiar with a range of designers, design trends and jewelry options across the board — and they can help you launch your new jewelry collection in high style, no matter what type of jewelry you want to collect or what your style preferences.

Talk with one of our luxury jewelry experts to start browsing your options. Give us a call at 239-592-7707 or an email at If you’re in Naples, stop by our showroom to speak with one of our team members in person.



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